“Trial of the Pantomime Horse” Acrylic on Canvas 10 x 20in

“Hallingdansen” Acrylic on canvas 4 x 5 feet

“Untitled” Egg tempera on panel 5 x 5in

“Mogh Ruith and His Vehicles” Acrylic on canvas

“Decatur Stanley* Plays His Game” Gouache on paper 9 x 12in

“Homestead of the Part-Time Verse Slinger” Egg tempera on panel 11.5 x 11.5in

“They Wove Her a House that Had No Door” Acrylic on panel 2 x 4 feet

“A Round of Applause for Those Who Carry” Gouache on paper 9 x 12in

“Trojan Horse 2” Acrylic on Panel 6 x 7in