“Always Offer a Gift of Silver to the First Magpie Seen in Spring”

“Burn the Trespassers at 1307 Degrees Fahrenheit” Egg tempera on panel 9 x 12in

“Every Bird is Natural to Conare” Gouache on paper 9 x 12in

“Macha Curses Ulster, and Rightfully So” Gouache on paper 9x6in

“Never Look Directly into the Eyes of a Polar Bear” Egg tempera on panel 4 x 9in

“Guard the Fort, but Clockwise” Acyrlic on Panel12 x 12in

“Caer Ibormeith Circles the Lake Three Times” Gouache on paper 9 x 9in

“He is Not to Kill Birds” Gouache on paper 8.5 x 9 in